Eye Unit 

Save A Life

From Oral Cancer

Oral Cancer is the No. 1 Cancer causing death amongst men in Pakistan and, No. 2 in women. This is primarily due to harmful substances such as chhali (areca nut), gutka, paan, naswaar and smoking.

Millions of people take for granted the gift of health, the seamless performance of little tasks such as eating and speaking, by mindlessly consuming these substances, they put themselves at high risk of Oral Cancer. Most cannot afford the cost of proper treatment, which is extremely expensive, beyond the reach of the vast majority, hence the disease progresses, becoming incurable. Another common reason for delay and poor prognosis is when patients pursue inappropriate options such as herbal and faith healing.

Dr. Jehanzeb Mughal, UK trained Oral and Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgeon, Senior Consultant and Postgraduate Trainer, established the Department of Community Dental & Maxillofacial Surgery, at PEBS Hospital, as an out-patient service in March 2007.

PEBS Hospital is at a central location in Karachi, convenient for patients, close to Northern Bypass and Super Highway, at Nagan-Chowrangi, making it well connected to all of Karachi and also Rural Sindh plus Baluchistan.

The deteriorating socio-economic conditions, coupled with steep inflation and constant rise in Oral Cancer, made Dr Mughal feel that an urgent need for Karachi, largest city in Pakistan, population above 25 million, 6th most populated city in the world, is to have an Oral Cancer Surgery Unit, including ICU and Ward; which should be Free of Cost.

He did what was has not been done before, which was to use his passion for running as a catalyst, to generate funds through donations. Dr Jehanzeb Mughal, in 2022, then a novice runner, trained intensely for 2 months, to run and finish the Amsterdam Marathon (42.2 Km), on 16th October 2022. Funds were successfully generated and work began to develop the new Unit.

An activity was also conducted at SeaView on 12th February 2022, called The PEBS Hospital Run, which included 1km walk, 5km and 10km run and walk.

Inauguration was on 16th March 2023,

in a record time of 5 months.

Surgeries commenced 20th March 2023

This Unit is one of the busiest, if not the busiest Oral Cancer Surgery Unit in Karachi, in the short time of its Inauguration.

Dr. Jehanzeb also ran and finished the London Marathon (42.2km) on 23rd April 2023, along with Mr. Danish Elahi, Mr. Nosherwan Ali and Mr. Faisal Shafi in support of PEBS Hospital Oral Cancer Surgery Unit. 

Offiicial send off by Ms. Sarah Mooney – British Deputy High Commisioner, Karachi.

Dr. Jehanzeb Mughal is planning to run in all Six World Marathon Majors, which includes London, NewYork, Boston, Chicago, Berlin and Tokyo, to achieve the unique medal of a 6-Star Finisher; for awareness & fundraising to “Save A Life From Oral Cancer”!

Currently an average of 10-12 free Oral Cancer Surgeries are been performed per month. The monthly payroll is 1.05 million & Administrative expense is another 1.2 million, making this a grand total of 2.25 million .

Your help &  support is requested to please whole heartedly by clicking donate below

For further information and details please contact the following phone number and email: